Elders (also known as pastors) are those men whom the congregation chooses to watch over them spiritually, to lead them in the public worship of God, to feed them the Word of God both publicly and privately, to administer the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and to guard the church from doctrinal or practical dangers. These elders are to be chosen in accordance with the requirements for such an office which are set forth in Scripture (e.g., 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5, etc.). A plurality of elders is not only the Biblical pattern, but also a true blessing from the Lord. These elders may differ from one another in experience and gifts, and one or two may labor more often in the preaching ministry than the others, but they are all equal in authority and title. The Apostle Paul teaches in Ephesians 4 that pastors and teachers are gifts from the exalted Christ to His church and are therefore to be highly esteemed for their work’s sake.
Pastor Campbell Colledge
Campbell was born and raised in South Africa into a Christian home, attending the Empangeni Baptist Church. Campbell came to faith in Christ at age 13 at a youth outreach meeting. After high school, he completed a 3-year diploma in Theology at the Bible Institute of South Africa in Cape Town. During his time in seminary, Campbell encountered the Doctrines of Grace and embraced the Reformed Faith. Campbell was called back to labor at his home church for 6 months before being conscripted to the South Africa Defense Force for 2 years. Campbell later worked in engineering sales in South Africa in various cities, including Durban, where Campbell pastored a small Baptist church bi-vocationally before he was relocated for work after 1 year. In 1985, Campbell married his high school sweetheart, Robyn, from his home church. The family moved to the USA in 2002 as a result of a sales job offer in New Jersey. They became members of the Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette, NJ, where Campbell served as an elder for 3 years. They moved to Redondo Beach, CA in 2009 when Campbell joined the fish business. They became members of TRBC soon after arriving in CA. Campbell and Robyn have 2 adult daughters, Gillian and Sarah-Jane and 3 grand-daughters. In his time off, Campbell enjoys being with his family, trying out new fish recipes and watching a good war movie.
Pastor Sean Garrett

Sean was born and raised in Orange County, California. He first learned of Christ from his parents’ words and example and Christ Jesus laid hold of him at a young age. He discovered his love for teaching the Word of God while leading the Christian club on his public high school campus. Following bible college, he was involved in full time ministry for three years. When he became convinced that reformed theology was biblical, he resigned from the ministry and he, and his wife Maxie, began to faithfully attend Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in 2004. Sean was ordained and installed as a pastor at TRBC in 2017. He and his wife have two children, Abby and Luke. In his free time, Sean likes to spend time with his family, read and jog.
Pastor Rick Horist
Rick was born in Evanston, IL to a Catholic family. His parents grew tired of the cold weather of IL and relocated to Southern California when Rick was three. Being raised Catholic, Rick was devout in this false religion until he heard the Gospel at 26. The Lord saved Rick and his wife Karen around the time of their wedding in 1979. They attended a Baptist church for five years in Lake Forest, CA before transferring to Trinity Baptist Church in 1986. Rick served as a deacon for two years and was ordained as an elder in 1989. Rick and Karen have two sons, Bryan and Kyle, who profess faith in Jesus Christ, two daughters-in-law, and four
grandchildren. In his free time, Rick enjoys riding his bike down to the beach twice a week.
Pastor Hayden Mills

Hayden was born and raised in Orange County, and has attended TRBC his entire life. The Lord saved him in 2011, through the youth ministry at the church, and he was baptized and brought into membership. Hayden attended Biola University, receiving a B.A. in History in 2017 and teaches at a public school in L.A. County. In 2019, Hayden was ordained as a deacon at the church. Hayden married his wife, Willow, who is from Washington state, in 2021. They have one daughter named River. Through encouragement from the church, Hayden began pursuing pastoral training in 2018 at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, and was ordained as an elder in January 2023. In his free time, Hayden loves to spend time with his family, climbing mountains, or reading a good book.
Pastor Sam Renihan
Sam grew up in a Reformed Baptist home and church under the teaching and preaching of his father, a Reformed Baptist pastor. Although he cannot pinpoint a specific moment in which he was converted, Sam was baptized at age 14 upon profession of faith. In 2006, Sam married Kimberly Winton. In 2008 they were blessed with a son, Owen. Sam graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish Literature and Culture. Having felt an internal call to the ministry, largely fueled by a gradual external call from TRBC, Sam completed an MDiv at Westminster Seminary California and the Institute of Reformed Baptist studies. In September of 2012, he was ordained and installed at Trinity Reformed Baptist Church. Sam completed a Ph.D. at the Free University of Amsterdam in October 2017. In his time off Sam enjoys good food, researching and writing on Baptist history (to view Dr. Renihan’s published works click here), and playing with his son.
Pastor George Thomason
George “made a decision” in 1975 and was saved by God many months later through knowledge gained from the Scriptures. He was extremely quiet in high school, but grew in fellowship and leadership with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship at the University of Arizona where he met Dianne in 1984. They were married in 1986 and have four children. Drawn from a non-denominational and charismatic background, he discovered Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in 1987. He was a deacon and treasurer for seven years and then ordained as pastor in 1996. George has a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from USC and has worked in aerospace for the space shuttle and other satellite programs. He enjoys beach days and cabin trips with family as well as reading, computers, finances, and administration. George suffered a near fatal pulmonary embolism in 2003, and the Lord has graciously recovered him. He rejoices in God’s kindness and loves to behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
Pastor Kirk Winton
Kirk was raised in a devout Roman Catholic family into his mid teens until his parents’ were converted to Christ. Through his parents’ testimony and being further exposed to the gospel through Reformed literature, He was brought to a saving knowledge of Christ in the early 70’s. In 1978 Kirk and his wife Julie became members in a Reformed Baptist assembly that would later become TRBC through a church merger. After serving as a Deacon for 15 years, Kirk was called to the eldership of Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in 1996. Kirk and his wife Julie have been married since 1977 and have three adult, believing daughters, Amy, Jill and Kimberly; as well as five grandchildren, Zachary, Hannah, Owen, Benjamin and Caleb. Kirk is currently working full time for the church in the area of counseling. He enjoys his time with his family as well as gardening and travel. Kirk retired from eldership in May 2023.